This application is a simple and fast tool to backup photos on your mobile device (iPhone, android device, digital camera etc.) to PC.
Usually, you can finish backup with this tool, even before you can press the import button with other common photo tools.
Everything is designed to finish backup very fast, by excluding unnecessary feature for it.
There are many other fancy photo management applications. When you need rich features, please use them together.
In my case, my iPhone’s storage often becomes full by pictures and movies of my dog, and I need to delete them quickly, so that I can take other pictures of her. Since I'm in a hurry, I can't stand slow applications. That’s why I made this tool and wanted to share to similar dog (or any) lovers.
This application does…
- Copy files not in your destination folder on PC, from your mobile device.
- If you need...
- Exclude specific files by pattern matching.
- Remap destination folder names, when you want to integrate files from multiple mobile devices which have different folder structure.
To be fast, this application intentionally "does not” …
- Display thumbnails of files.
- Select target files one by one.
- File type conversion.
- Delete files on your mobile device.
- Delete files on your destination folder on PC.
Please refer help page for detail.