Mahjong, a captivating and strategic tile-based game, has enchanted players across the globe for centuries. Originating in China during the Qing Dynasty, Mahjong has evolved and transformed into various regional versions, each with its unique rules and charm. Whether played casually among friends or competitively in tournaments, Mahjong offers an engaging blend of skill, strategy, and chance that makes it a timeless favorite.
Basic Gameplay Mahjong is typically played by four players, although variations exist for three or even two players. The game is played with a set of 144 tiles based on Chinese characters and symbols, though the exact number of tiles can vary depending on the version being played. These tiles are divided into several suits and categories:
Dots (Circles) Bamboo Characters Honor tiles (Winds and Dragons) Bonus tiles (Flowers and Seasons) The objective of Mahjong is to be the first player to complete a winning hand, which typically consists of 14 tiles arranged in four sets and a pair. Sets can be a "Pong" (three identical tiles), a "Chow" (a sequence of three consecutive tiles of the same suit), or a "Kong" (four identical tiles). The pair is simply two identical tiles.