*Downloading is quick, safe, and efficient.
*Downloading videos from famous websites
*HTTP/HTTPS/FTP/BitTorrent/MagnetLink support
*Download through proxy support
*Modern design with a user-friendly interface.
*Multilingual support, display the interface in your language.
Faster and more dependable downloads
Stop waiting for your downloads by installing this All-in-one downloader - CocoFetch. You'll be astounded at how quickly CocoFetch downloads your stuff. CocoFetch will also repair and resume downloads that have been halted due to lost connections, network issues, computer shutdowns, or unexpected power outages.
A powerfull download engine
Our strong download engine employs proprietary algorithms to obtain Internet data as quickly as possible, can boost all your downloads up to 10 times and more. Because of its groundbreaking dynamic file segmentation technique, CocoFetch will always speed downloads. To obtain the highest potential acceleration speed, CocoFetch segments downloaded data dynamically throughout the download process and reuses existing connections without additional connect and login steps.
Friendly to BitTorrent/MagnetLink users
CocoFetch will update tracker list every day automatically to speed up the peer connection and downloading, and can find more seeds to help finish your downloads from been stuck at 99%. By caching data in the memory to access your hard drive less often. Enables simultaneous torrent downloads that you can manage in a single location.
Excellent video downloader
Support a huge number of video sites, ability to download video or audio separately. You can also download subtitles with this All-in-one downloader - CocoFetch.