"Magical Finder" is an application that easily finds and sets network devices such as I-O DATA NAS, router, access point and network camera connected to the same local area network.
Before you use the Magial Finder, you need to connect your Windows device to the router or the access point by Wi-Fi or wired LAN.
・Findable devices by Magical Finder
Please check the I-O DATA product manual to see if your device is findable.
The following devices are representative findable devices of each category.
==== LAN DISK ====
HDL-TA series, HDL-T series, HLS-PG series, HVL-S series
HDL-AA series, HDL-AAW series
HDL-H series, HDL-X series
HDL-Z19SCA series, HDL-Z19WCA series
HDL-ZWQD series, HDL-ZWPD series, HDL-ZWPI series
※ Please use the latest firmware.
==== Router ====
I-O DATA Router
(except WN-APG/R, WN-WAPG/R and WN-WAG/R.)
==== Access point, Ethernet converter ====
I-O DATA access point & ethernet converter
(except WN-APG/A, WN-AG/A, WN-AG/C,
==== switch ====
I-O DATA switch
BSH series
==== VPN BOX ====
I-O DATA BOX device
BX-VP1 series
==== Network camera ====
Qwatch series
==== Network Audio Server ====
HFAS1 series, HFAS1-X series
HDL-RAHF series, RAHF-S series