Designed with every occasion and style in mind, Z mobile: PIP Frames Video & Photo will add the perfect touch to your pics and videos.
Now you can add your photos and videos to PIP frames and personalise your images in style.
With a massive number of frames and other options to choose from make your photos and videos outstanding. PIP Photo frames provide a complete range of frames, effects, stylish background and stickers that take
your picture and video editing a next level.
Create a special birthday, love, occasional, and special events Photo or videos with this best
PIP Photo and video editor app and share your video creations with the world!!!
. Largest Collection of PIP Frames.
. Edit your photo or video with effect, background, filter effect, rotate, zoom in, zoom out.
. You can trim your video and crop your photo.
. Add text on your creation and apply designer fonts.
. Add stickers over the photo and video creation.
. Create creative photos with blurred styled background on your own.
. Save the frame and share on social network
Accentuate your photos and videos with just a few clicks. Try NOW!!!