TerraIndex - the soil research app!
An overview of the different surveys that can be performed in TerraIndex can be found below:
� Environmental soil research
� Geotechnical soil research
� (Ground) water sampling
� Sediment research
The current version contains all functionalities for the registration of soil data.
Functional advantages
TerraIndex has the following advantages:
� Saves time
� Easy registration of soil data
� No paper usage or risk of data loss
� Fast communication with the consulting firm
� Synchronisation with the office
� TerraIndex is multilingual. Carry out field surveys in your own language.
� No more typing out field notes. Digital field data is stored immediately.
� The App is offline and online available for use.
� I.T. Works is responsible for maintenance, updates and backing up data.
Not yet in possession of a username and password?
Please contact your TerraIndex application administrator or I.T. Works.