The Square Peg Solitaire game finds the solution to English Peg Solitaire by finding all legal moves stored in the SquarePegs.bin binary file. When you play the standard game from NEW in CPU mode, the program will stop you from entering a bad move. You can select the SOLVE button to solve the puzzle at any time. You can also play in HUMAN mode which allows both good and bad moves. You can set up the pegs in many other patterns and search for random solutions. The CPU mode with not automatically solve patterns other than the NEW button pattern. So other peg patterns such as the triangle must be solved in HUMAN mode. In this mode, the SOLVE button finds the solution using back tracking. The program runs at full speed when the SHOW moves button is off. The text at the top left and right of the solitaire puzzle give information related the English Board game. S T M C are the counts of Side, Top, Middle, and Corner pegs. E 1 C 1 2 is the configuration of standard solvable boards. Rs is the resource count. Ba is the balance state, 1 is good balance. The equation (4a + 4b –cAB) is the starting value of the balance equation.