Tobor, a once loyal robot, who was in charge of taking care of one the country's nuclear reactors, has had a glitch and now is stock piling fuel for the nuclear reactor. There are isotopes, fuel for the reactor, are located throughout the facility. You're job is neutralize these isotopes, before Tobor does something we will ALL regret!
Work your way thru the level, by zapping the isotopes (touch them) and avoiding Tobor's robots that he has re-programmed to stop you!
Tobor's Lair is fun multi-level 3D maze where you have to zap all the isotopes to move to the next level. You are a robot, sent in to destroy these isotopes. You zap the isotopes by touching them.
Tobor's robots will try to stop you. The other robot's can kill you by touching you. Use power-ups located in the maze to your advantage. Power-ups available are Indestructible, Speed, Invisible (other robot's can't see you). You can also purchase, via in App-purchase, additional power-ups for use in the maze.
Future levels will be available via pack levels. In-app purchase required. Game comes with 3 levels for free.