Let's Stop Diabetes Premium includes all InApp Purchases and you don't need to pay anything else, without ads.
Let’s Stop Diabetes is a platform that has a main purpose to transform diabetics into Superheroes. We provide them with the powerful tools to improve their life. At the same time the blood test results that the diabetics share anonymously help to create real time worldwide map of this illness. Doctors use it to enhance the studies about this fatal disease. This project creates a new link between doctors and patients. The app is the primary mechanism for monitoring the health of the diabetic. When the user adds a new blood test result they can do it various ways- take a picture, say it or type. With the app they can track and control the evolution of the sickness with statistics that show the current week by default and allow users to understand effectively if the decisions that they are taking are the right ones. The app provides tips, recipes, exercises, challenges and awards. All of them look forward to promote a healthier lifestyle. Shared blood test results are used to create a map of diabetes. The map is one of the most innovative and unique parts of the entire platform because it is the centre where you can study diabetes worldwide. With results shared from anywhere regardless of any barrier without compromising confidential information. The clustering map shows the averages in mg / dl by default and can be clicked or searched to display details as the average of a region, sex, age, diabetes type, among others.