Speak Czech Faster
This App is based of off the content and material covered by Rich from Learn Czech With Rich.
Is Czech an impossible language?
NO, it isn’t! If you have ever lived or visited the Czech Republic, I can almost guarantee you’ve heard something like this, “Czech is one of the hardest languages in the World”. Well, this is a site for people that want to learn Czech, so forget all that negative stuff, instead concentrate on what makes Czech easy! Trust me there are plenty of things such as:
• It is a phonetic language – this means that things are pronounced exactly as they are spelt! It doesn’t have lots of tricky silent letters.
• Likewise spelling is very easy because everything is spelt as it is pronounced. Czech hardly has any double letter constructions.
• Consistent and logical use of prefixes – Czech loves prefixes. Luckily though, once you have learnt, for example, that “pod” means “under” then it will help you with lots of other words. If I tell you that “prsa” means “breasts”, then could you work out what “podprsenka” means? Any idea? “Bra”, pretty logical really!
• Low expectations – Not many foreigners speak Czech, so if you can even manage a bit then locals will be surprised and impressed. You do not have to be fluent to make a good first impression.
Who is Rich?
He's British, in his 30's, and lives in the Czech Republic. He decided to make a website because these are the types of videos he wanted to see when he started learning Czech. His aim is to keep all of the video/blog lessons short, clear and focused.
• His Website: http://learnczechwithrich.com/
• His YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAVSMkmI_aequuz_jD1E5pw
• I however am Erik, a Computer Programmer, fellow student and admirer of Rich's lessons
Please give credit to Rich, he really spent a lot of time and effort on these lessons... Thank you Rich!