Pro Converter let you convert more then 100 different types of conversions!
A selection of the conversions posssible:
Decimal Hexidecimal (vive versa)
Decimal Binary (vive versa)
Decimal Octal (vive versa)
Fahrenheit, Kelven, Celcius temperatures (vive versa)
Inch, Feet, Yard, Mile, Centimeter, Meter, Kilometer (vive versa)
Area, volume, sine, cosine, pressure, distance, speed, weight and many more conversions are possible.
Knots, mph , km/u, m/s, yd/s, yards, kilometers, meters, miles, inches, feet, acres, gallons, liters, square, cubic, stone, ounce, kilogram, pound, etc.
Using a simple to use interface makes easy and powerfull to convert.
Unit discriptions are available in the add free version.