A FREE electronic platform to open, view, analyze and export your S-parameters, Y-parameter, and Z-parameter in a much more presentable format without the need for an instrument or some paid tool. If you prefer PRO version go to buy at https://www.microsoft.com/store/productId/9MV4W4NJRNS5.
FILPAL Touchstone Viewer allows the following features:
- Real-time conversions between different types of network parameters for data processing and post-analysis.
- Real-time conversions between magnitude, dB, phase, real and imaginary.
- Import and view S2P, S3P, S4P, ... SNP for the n-port parameter file.
- Export the data in different file formats, CSV, Txt, SNP for your own uses.
- Export and save the graph in jpg and PDF format.
- Provide data interpolation within the range of microwave frequency retrieved from the imported data-item file.
- Provide an exact data point calculation at a single frequency.
- Provide a user-friendly interface with the choice of light and dark theme.
- Support file viewing/loading from other apps.
- Support data file sharing with other users and apps.
- Support data tooltip displayed on chart series.