Through this program you can manage your finances in a simple way, you can make inquiries and control your expenses and income in a clear and orderly manner.
The ManageMoney program divides the accounts into groups (ex. Current Accounts, Savings Accounts, Share Accounts, ...), each group of accounts has several associated sub-accounts (ex. Current Accounts: Bank 1, Bank 2, ... Savings Accounts: Bank 1, Bank 3, ...).
In turn, Expenses and Income are grouped into groups (ex. House, Car, Schools, ...) and these in turn in subgroups (ex. House Expenses: Light, Water, Telephone, ... Car Expenses: Gasoline, Wheels, Freeway, ....). Through these groupings the expenses and income are classified and later they can be consulted, filtered, counted, ...
When a transfer of money is made from one account / sub-account to another one must point a Movement between accounts to balance the money.
Initially the paswword is empty.
I hope you like it.