This application is an Imperial units and US customary units Calculator. (I call it merely 'Imperial units' below.)
For example, this can calculate "2feet5inch + 6feet9inch = 9feet2inch".Conversion is very common, but the direct calculation keeping units is rare, I think.
The unit types are limited to the 4 (Length/Area/Volume/Mass) that calculation is possible.
It includes following functions these other unit converters normally do not have.
* Fraction input and result. For example, 5_1/4 inch.
* All types of metric (SI) prefix like kilo, can be used.
It equips User Interface suitable for Touchscreen. (Direct touch to displayed number works as number input or modification, or switching between result and input.)
If you are using Surface Pro,2in1 PC, etc., please try this application.
(It can be controlled from Mouse, TouchPad. But direct feeling fades a little.)