Serial Plotter is a programm that can receive data from any electronic board and reprent the result on very nice graph.
The program can manager up to four channels and has Free run and append feature.
the programm use a simple protocol to ease the task for fast developpement of a code on the hardware side.
The protocol is as follow :
string command = NumberOfSamples.ToString() + "," + SamplingTimeuS.ToString() + "," + activatedChannels + "," + FreeRunCmd;
Explination :
NumberOfSamples : How many samples (points) you want to receive.
SamplingTimeuS : sampling time in micro seconds
activatedChannels : is a string of 4 bits, each bit represent a channel
example : 0001 : Channel 0 is activated and the others deactivated
1010 : channel 1 and 3 activated and channels 0 and 2 deactivated.
FreeRunCmd : not used for now.
Here is an arduino code to test :
To make it work, install TimerOne library (in library manager)
the code is here