Play MXF and popular videos, audios format.
Convert MXF to MP4, MP3.
Also support input formats: 3gp, 3g2, asf, avi, m2ts, mts, m4v, mkv, mov, mp4, m4a, m4p, m4b, m4r, mpeg, mpg, wm, wmv, aac, aiff, aifc, aif, au, flac, mp2, mp3, wav, wma, wv.
Convert MXF to MP4 - MXF to MP3.
+ Play MXF videos.
+ Play MXF videos from DVD discs.
+ Help to organize videos with:
- Display recently played media.
- Manage media folders by adding and removing.
+ Convert MXF video to MP4 and MP3.
+ Rotate video when playing and converting.
+ Offer mild privacy protection with:
- Blurring thumbnails of videos and hiding media titles.
- Clearing private media from Recent.
- Setting PIN to prevent nosy access to private videos and music.