Text to Speech Prime is easy to use and one click away the operation like play, pause, stop and manipulate the speech in offline without any privacy issues of the text.
We can save files locally within the app and can open and listen it, whenever needed.
Text to Speech Prime lets you to play the text to the speech with different voices available in the PC with different Pitches and speed of it.
Perform font increase, decrease, try different font styles, bold, italic for the textbox.
Play selected text or full text based on the preferences and download it.
Open the text file or just copy paste the text in-order to perform operations like play, pause, stop, clear.
Open PDF directly from web.
Open Pdf File either by page by page or all pages at a time to read.
Open Image and extract text from it to read by the tts Prime.
Download the speech to the pc either in wav or mp3 formats.