Having an accurate record of the vehicle maintenance not only helps eliminate potential problems that may occur while you are using your vehicle, but also significantly increases the resale value. If you think about it, a buyer is more likely to purchase your vehicle over someone else's simply due to the fact that you have maintenance records.
CMT is vehicle maintenance software specifically created to harness the full potential of Windows 8 that makes it easy for you the task of controlling repair and preventive maintenance on your vehicles
CMT will notify you when necessary to perform maintenance, record the maintenance performed, monitor your fuel expenses, and more.
CMT enables you to create 100% custom maintenance, which can be set intervals for periods of time (years, months, and days) or mileage. This flexibility allows you to track any type of vehicle, e.g. cranes, backhoes, bulldozers, etc.
CMT allows you to export the agenda of pending services (e.g. all vehicles that need oil change) or in general (pending services regardless of the vehicle)
You can try it free for 30 days, simply download the fully functional evaluation version and verify its capabilities and how easy it is to use.