Take your favorite boulderdash clone. Mix it with a dash of mobility, put in some infinity factor and play it from the palm of your hand!
That's what Boulder World is all about: "Easy gameplay with allot of fun!"
The idea is simple: Try to find as many crystals as possible. They allow you to open doors and explore new corridors and caves. But beware of the enemies that lurk around. A huge family of goons are all trying to block you're path. Leftie, Rightie, Evie, Firie, Diggie, Greedie, Creepie and Speedie: each of them has unique capabilities to make your life though.
Boulder World has been designed to be played on tablets. Based on the INSTA-Play concept, new technology has been put to use to get you up and gaming within no-time. This means no more long loading screens or menus to navigate just to have some fun.
Boulder World features the following in-game items:
- Crystals: In all colors and flavors.
- Enemies: A whole bunch of them, all with different characteristics.
- Goo: Slimy, sticky goo can cause real troubles...
- Rocks: They are quite heavy. Try to drop them onto a enemy or goo.
- Explosives: All games need them. Does a wall block the path? Blow it up with a bomb! Is a enemy annoying? Put a landmine in its path and wait until you hear a big bang.
- Secrets: Have you found the shiny brick wall?
- Chests: Ever needed to store allot of crystals, just to ensure they are safe before you wander into a dangerous area? Try using a treasure chest.
And lots and lots more that doesn't fit into this description...