Jt2Go Web is developed by Siemens Digital Industries Software for viewing 3D JT files on mobile platforms. It allows users to navigate and interrogate engineering or architectural 3D JT models using modern application interface techniques. Jt2Go Web defines a new paradigm for viewing and manipulating 3D JT files on handheld touch screen devices. 3D JT files can be generated from virtually all the leading CAD/CAM/CAE tools available to industry today. The JT format was defined by Siemens Digital Industry Software. Users of JT data can share experiences by joining the JT Open Program, an industry group formed by Siemens to support and extend JT’s use by industry. The JT file format specification was adopted by ISO as an international standard in 2012 and is available from ISO as IS 14306:2012. The JT file format specification is published free of charge by Siemens PLM and is available from www.jtopen.com.