The "Travel Interpreter" is a talking, illustrated phrasebook which translates English words and phrases into 29 languages. The programme offers you the unique opportunity to communicate abroad without any special language skills, as it can simply speak the translation as required. Easily understandable illustrations make communication even easier.
You can use the "Travel Interpreter" to order plane tickets, book hotel rooms, take a car to be repaired or order a meal in a restaurant without any language skills at all. More than 2,200 phrases and words are included for each language, all of which are clearly categorised according to the respective topic, such as customs, hotel, service, driving, car services, sightseeing, entertainment, eating and drinking, sport and leisure.
29 target languages: German, French, Spanish (Spain), Spanish (Latin America), Italian, Portuguese (Portugal), Portuguese (Brazil), Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Hungarian, Turkish, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Hebrew, Thai, Hindi, Vietnamese, Farsi.