Sex Box is a groundbreaking, unprecedented and life-changing way for couples in crisis to heal their sexual and emotional issues. Each week three couples from a wide variety of backgrounds bring their pressing concerns to our expert therapists with hopes of repairing their troubled relationships. Our experts - Dr. Chris Donaghue, Sexologist and Clinical Psychotherapist; Dr. Fran Walfish, Relationship Psychotherapist and Dr. Yvonne Capehart, Pastor and Couples Counselor - offer frank advice that is designed to change lives. The theory behind the Sex Box is based on a revolutionary, scientifically proven concept: In the first 15 minutes after intimacy, the body is flooded with oxytocins and endorphins enabling people to really open up and reveal the root of their problems. Our couples have sex on stage in front of live studio audience in a specially designed chamber - the Sex Box. The Sex Box is private, camera free and sound proof. It allows couples to focus on one another and their needs with no outside distractions. And when they emerge, the truth is shared. Out of the Box television. 34 couples on a healing journey. Three experts with provocative advice: Sex Box.