A six-part drama based on British writer Malorie Blackman's young adult, speculative fiction novel of the same name, set in an alternate history. Sephy Hadley is a 19-year-old ‘Cross', a member of the black ruling class and daughter of powerful Home Secretary, Kamal Hadley. Callum (Jack Rowan) is an 18-year-old ‘Nought’, a white member of the underclass living under Cafriquan rule in Albion. Sephy has been brought up in a gilded cage, surrounded by privilege and protected from the inequality that exists in Albion. The two were best friends in early childhood, but now, divided by their colour and class, Sephy and Callum are star-crossed lovers living in vastly different worlds - but united by forbidden love. Against a background of prejudice, distrust and rebellion mounting on the streets, a passionate romance builds. In a world where Noughts and Crosses do not mix, Sephy begins to awaken to the injustices that surround her, and her relationship with Callum leads them both into danger.