Cider With Rosie is a compelling adaptation of Laurie Lee's vivid and iconic memoir of his childhood and adolescence in the Slad Valley during and post WW1. A poetic journey through the idyll of his early years and into the intensity of adolescent experiences. From a childhood cosseted by his mother and sisters, through to his teenage years as he navigates the wonder and intensity of adolescence, we follow Lee on a personal journey of exploration and discovery as he grows from small boy to young man in the valley that would go on to inspire a life's work. Laurie Lee is born in 1914 and when WW1 ends, 4 year-old Laurie thinks the world has ended too - for the war is all he has known. But the world for him is just beginning and there in the Slad Valley with childhood companions Jo and Rosie, Lol will experience for the first time the wonder of love; the excitement of sex but also the brutality of loss and death. The ordinariness of these experiences is thrown into sharp relief by the loss of innocence, which marks each transition. Cider With Rosie is a love letter to childhood, to the Gloucestershire countryside and to a way of life now all but gone. It is a celebration of the remarkable nature of ordinary lives which burned brightly and were then gone, and along with them the way of life they had lived.