Set in three countries, the film is a global story of fearless skills and heart-bounding suspense. In the slums of Mumbai, India, Sandeep, a coach with high dreams and a debilitating case of malaria leads his team to break the record and build India's biggest human tower at the one-day Dahi Handi Festival. While in Vilafranca de Penedes, Spain, a legendary coach, Melilla, takes his dreams to Santiago, Chile, hoping to share the castellers' tradition that goes back 400 years. Pressed for time, Melilla needs to prepare the Chilean team for the Universal Forum of Cultures where they will attempt the first seven-level tower in Chile. Helped by Luis, a scholar, they develop a model to unify Chilean society from the bottom up through the human towers. But all it takes is one shaky foot to send hundreds of bodies tumbling into the mud or onto the crumbling pavement. A passion beyond race, borders, and ages.