Serena, a vampire's tale"Try to fall asleep....We dare you."produced, written, directed and edited by Jason Coughlin Set in contemporary New York City this supernatural romantic thriller chronicles the transformation of Serena (played by Patricia Hodges) from a shy workaholic widow into a blood thirsty vixen of the night. Through flashbacks and sessions with her psychotherapist (Olga Baldos), who has other plans in mind for Serena, we catch glimpses of her shadowy past. Meanwhile, her best friend Cookie (Danielle Patsakos) is playfully attempting to seduce her. Adding fuel to her already explosive relationships, she's caught the eye of a dark handsome stranger, Mark (Shawn Frank). Or is she just imagining him as her friend and therapist presume? Part zeitgeist, part music video "Serena, a vampire's tale" gives audiences a taste for blood and leaves them wanting more. (USA 60 minutes; SD color)