The film (based on true story) revolves around a brave heart Barun Biswas, portrayed by Parambrata Chatterjee, who raises voice against atrocities being committed against women and children, in the village of Dukhiya. The cops would also not take up any complaints against the powerful criminals. Barun Biswas with his team forms a forum named 'Jagaran Mancha' and stands against all odds and forces the law to arrest the culprits. But eventually the accused men gets Barun Biswas murdered leaving the whole village shaken in shock and pain. Later, Binod Bihari Dutta, portrayed by Paran Bondhopadhyay, is searching for truth behind Barun's murder. Binod comes to know about the goons who have terrorized the village. Binod tries to motivate villagers the way Barun did but finds everyone reluctant in fear. A new police Animesh Dutta is posted to the village, portrayed by Saswata Chatterjee. Binod feels helpless and thus decides to take the law in his own hands. What happens next? Can Binod escape or is he punished, is for the audience to find out.