Marina Shron's poetic short film about a young girl, Lila (played by Argentine actress Federica Cafferata), who has lost her father, SEA CHILD is a surreal coming-of-age story. Filmed against the beautiful backdrop of Laguna de Tota, a dreamy mountain lake in Columbia, Shron composes a hallucinatory landscape of liquid and female forms. Lila is magnetically drawn to the water (which was somehow involved in the death of her father) even though she cannot swim. She explores this landscape with her father's camera (which contains no film). Shron says the water is " a liquid mirror. On the other side of it, I could see myself freed from the burden of gravity and time." A haunting portrait of grief and desire in the tradition of Terrence Malick, SEA CHILD premiered at the Fantasia International Film Festival in Montreal and screened at the 2014 Toronto Independent Film Festival. - Stela Jelincic