Seascape Oil Painting 203 is a 1 Hour 43 Minutes Video video with Artist and Instructor Kenneth John. UNCUT, just painting as he does in his studio. Ken has sold over 600 seascape oil paintings over the last 10 years and he shares his success with you in this video, that can be watched on TV or computer. The video has a full menu for navigation. Watch, listen and paint along, step by step, with Ken as he paints a California coast impressionist scene from blank canvas to finished painting. He shows and explains techniques of successful seascape oil painting using his method of using painting knives and brush. Ken talks about the basics of seascape painting, how to mix colors, what he is thinking about as he paints, materials used, mistakes made in typical seascape paintings, composition, value, waves, rocks, shore and coastline using his easy going teaching style. Ken has been a college graphics arts professor for the past 14 years and has painted oils for many more years. He shares his experience as a teacher, demonstrator, artist and everyday passion for the beginner and intermediate painter.