Learn how to apply the big unpublished secret of the Law of Attraction so you can get results fast! Most Law of Attraction programs never address the key factor that will stop you from manifesting your dreams. While focusing on what you DO want is a very important, if you don't address any subconscious resistance to actually receiving it you will never be successful. The Secret For Law Of Attraction program shows you not only how to uncover the subconscious roadblocks and self-sabotage that are stopping you, but it also shows you exactly what to do to eliminate them! Within 90 minutes of starting to watch this DVD you can have all the tools necessary to stop your subconscious self-sabotage and start manifesting your dreams today. Answers the question once and for all: "How to get the Law of Attraction to deliver what you want?" Removes any fear about manifesting what you don't want because you're focused on the wrong thing... Shows you exactly how to identify when and how you're sabotaging yourself - AND what to do about it... Blasts through the confusion over "using affirmations and focusing on what you want" simply being enough... My proven Law of Attraction Success System (laid out step-by-step so anyone can do it)... Includes bonus: The EFT Quick Start Video Learning System Brad Reed brings a diverse background to working with The Law Of Attraction. In addition to earning a BS in Electrical Engineering in '84 and earning his Washington State Massage license in '04, he has trained in a variety of healing modalities during his personal journey of discovery. He also earned his EFT-Cert1 credentials in 2010. With an Engineering's eye for logical, repeatable results, and a healing practitioner's compassion and understanding of the human condition, he presents this material in a way that i