The film starts with two kids Jacky (Markand Soni) and Chakki (Kesar Majethia), narrating the story of their hilariously madcap Parekh family to their fellow classmates on a camp. When Chandrakant Sheth (Arvind Vaidya), father of Himanshu (Jamnadas Majethia) and Hansa (Supriya Pathak) passes away, he manages to tell the Parekh family that his last wish is to have his son Himanshu married. Now, Himanshu has one ambition since childhood, that is to have a memorable, legendary love story. It is all together another matter that he is not in love with anyone and neither is he capable of getting any sensible girl to like him. But as Babuji (Anang Desai) often wisely says, "for every idiotic Praful (Rajeev Mehta), there is an even more idiotic Hansa made", his prophecy turns out to be true. Parminder (Kirti Kulhari), Himanshu's neighbor, falls in love with Himanshu for no logical reason and the 2 get engaged to get married. That is when the story line takes a turn – Himanshu realizes on the eve of the wedding that the impending ceremony would mean impending doom to his desire to have a legendary love story, as nothing interesting has happened in his love story to make it memorable. It was a simple non happening take with a boring happy ending. No resistance, no conflict, no separation, no sad song, no climax, nothing. So, in order to make the Himanshu–Parminder love story a legendary one, Himanshu, along with Babuji, Praful, Hansa and Jayshree (Nimisha Vakharia), sets out to stall the wedding. And then begins their journey to create all those missing stages in Himanshu's love story in order to make it legendary. However, in this hilariously hare brained process, they make a mess of everything and how at the incredibly ridiculous climax Himanshu eventually manages to win his love back, makes up the rest of the story of the film.