In this investigative thriller series, Crime Branch Inspector Rishi Nandhan and his two trusted sub-inspectors Ayyanar Murthy and Chitra Lokesh investigate strange and mind-bending serial murder cases involving supernatural or paranormal phenomena. Rishi is a brilliant profiler and a skilled investigator. An injury from his past causes him to have recurrent migraine attacks during which he sees apparitions of his dead fiance. Being a sceptic, Rishi dismisses them as hallucinations caused by his trauma. With the same attitude, he tries to find logical, scientific and rational explanations for all the paranormal phenomena that he encounters in his cases. Ayyanar is an old-school conservative and superstitious guy who values traditions and cultural ideals. Chitra is a tomboyish feminist and a closeted lesbian who believes in breaking gender norms. Ayyanar and Chitra are not just co-workers but also close friends who confide in each other. They initially find it difficult to get along with Rishi due to his cold and aloof demeanour. However, their shared adventures of investigating bizarre crimes and battling various kinds of monsters lead them to develop a close and trusting bond with each other.