A razor-sharp political thriller about terrorism, revolution, and the power of memory, starring Oscar nominee Ralph Fiennes (The Grand Budapest Hotel, Schindler's List, Harry Potter), Golden Globe winner Donald Sutherland (The Hunger Games, Pride & Prejudice), Tom Hollander (Pride & Prejudice, Gosford Park) In an unnamed place and time, an idealistic soldier named Joe (Fiennes) strikes up an illicit friendship with a political prisoner named Thorne (Sutherland). Through their conversations in the high-security military prison where Thorne is held, Joe slowly begins to question his allegiance to the country's brutal but clownish dictator (Hollander) and his Machiavellian wife. Eventually Thorne succeeds in recruiting Joe to the rebel cause, leading to a bloody coup d'etat with echoes of countless tyrannies, revolutions, and counter-revolutions throughout history. But in the post-revolutionary world, what Thorne asks of Joe leads the two men into bitter conflict, spiralling downward into madness until Joe's co-conspirators conclude that they must erase him from history.