In this sparkling reality series, we dive straight into Bingo Rimér and Julia Franzén’s wonderful, action-packed and busy world. He – an entrepreneur and former glamour photographer and she – an influencer and reality star. A life of extravagance, taking us between Stockholm, Marbella, Jämtland and the Stockholm archipelago. But above all, we get a glimpse into their warm and, to say the least, special family life. This unique bonus family situation is like no other, with Bingo’s three children, one bonus child and Bingo’s temperamental ex, Katrin Zytomierska. Their blended family vacations in Marbella, joint summer houses in the Stockholm archipelago and hectic everyday city life deliver humour, conflict and love. Julia, 15 years younger, who’s used to the glitz and glamour of the US and Spain, has been thrown into this bonus mum life, with Bingo, his children, bonus child and ex. At the same time, she longs for her own kids, with her own career to consider.